Saturday, October 10, 2009

Emma and Jack and an announcement!

Emma and Jack said they were tired from traveling, but both were too excited to sleep. So at their request I took them downtown to mine and David's favorite bar - O'Mainnin's. Emma and Jack seemed to fit right in with the locals and soon were just chatting it up with everybody! My bartender Dustin was a great sport and let both Emma and Jack pose for a couple pictures (he's never even let me behind the bar!) Dustin made the comment that the two of them needed a little pet dog to travel around with them. Little did he know at the time that Emma's dog was outside in the car! He told me to tell everyone that he's sorry, but it would be against health regulations to let a dog into the bar. Here's a close up so you can see them a bit better. Probably the most exciting part of the night was when Emma and Jack made their announcement. If you've been following Greenleaf there were quite a few rumors flying around the forum about a proposal, an elopement, and even a new arrival! Emma and Jack would like to confirm that yes, they are engaged to be married. The happy couple shared a Jager-Bomb amid many toasts to their health and happiness. Please don't worry - I didn't let either one of them drive home. Emma and Jack would like remind everyone to drink responsibly.

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